Wednesday 15 December 2010

Website Updates

Website Updates:

Christmas Party & Awards Night Date Now Rescheduled Click Here!

Thursday 23rd December Last Class Of 2010 Party Click Here!

New Kids 2011 Flyer Click Here!

New Adults 2011 Flyer Click Here!

New Kickboxkarate News Blog Click Here!

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

A message from Lisa Boardman

Dear Student,                                                                                       December 2010

I hope you are all well and looking forward to your Christmas and New Year break.

For Redhill students the last session of 2010 is Wednesday, December 22, recommencing on Wednesday, January 5, 2011.

For Leigh students the last training session is Friday, December 17, recommencing on Friday, January 7, 2011.

For Dorking Sports Centre students, the last Saturday session will be December 18, recommencing on Saturday, January 8, 2011.

Given the unavoidable cancellation of the KickboxKarate Christmas Party, we are instead planning two ‘unofficial’ Christmas get togethers.

  • This first is this Friday (December 17) where everyone is welcome to attend the Plough in Leigh for a Christmas drinks get together after the class from 8pm.
  • In Dorking, a Christmas get-together is planned after the session on Thursday, December 23, contact Sean McCarthy (07941 838668) for more details.

Hope to see as many of you at either (or both) events as possible!

*** An official Christmas party is planned for January 2011 – ask Sean for details! ***

2011 Changes

As of January 1, 2011, I will be taking some time out from teaching to travel South America. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and an adventure I am very excited about and, as well as exploring the continent, I hope to train at some martial arts clubs and return with some innovative training techniques to share with you all!

While I am away, I will be leaving my classes in the capable hands of fellow KickboxKarate instructor Sean McCarthy, who will be ably assisted by new second dan black belt Laura Fitch.

I will be returning from my travels in April 2011 and I do hope you all continue to support the club, Sean and Laura and carry on with the excellent progress you have all made over the year.

It just leaves me to say thank you to all of you for your support during 2010 and I look forward to seeing you next spring!

Have a fantastic Christmas and a great New Year!!

Yours in martial arts,

Lisa Boardman
KickboxKarate Senior Instructor
07801 442730

Monday 13 December 2010

SKF Winter Course

The SKF Winter Course, students from all the SKF clubs throughout the south east get together for a tough but fun and enjoyable course putting their skills to the test and furthering their knowledge of Martial Arts and self development. Andy Gale, Steve McDonald, James Harris and George Harris went for their Gradings and have all passed. Lisa Boardman and Sean McCarthy both attended the session. The kids completed 3 hours after they had completed their grading and the Adults completed a 6 hour session. Well done to all who took part.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:


Kickboxkarate Instructor Sean Mccarthy and SKF Instructor Jacey Cashman is now both joint coaches and fighters for TEAM SAP UK. TEAM SAP UK consists of finely tuned athletes from the various arts of martial combat. As well as being highly adapt in a variety of martial skills the team are incredibly knowledgeable in fitness, nutrition, diet and body dynamics making TEAM SAP UK a force to be reckoned with.

Paul Busby
Jacey '2FAST4U' Cashman
Sean McCarthy
...other fighters to be announced shortly


SAP Sports Wear is the official online catalogue for the supply of SAP Fighting Tribe products to Martial Arts and Fitness enthusiasts everywhere. SAP products are of the highest quality, enabling you to showcase your talents with the latest in designer protective equipment and clothing.
If you are interested in buying any SAP products please get in contact.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

New Class Timetable

New Class Timetable
Just a reminder that the new class timetable is now in effect.
To see the new timetable click here:

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

Kickboxkarate Christmas Party and Awards Night Date Moved!

Due to extreme weather conditions we have had to move the Christmas Party and Awards Night you will be notified soon as to what date the Party will take place on.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

Grading Results November

Well done to all who passed their Grades from Monday the 8th November to Thursday 11th November and also well done to the students who graded on the following week Friday 19th November.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

Grading Practice

Grading Practice took place on Sunday 7th November 2010 at Dorking Sports Centre for 3 hours.

All students did extremely well in preparation for their Grading over the following week.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

CIMAC Superleague Fight Night

6 members from Kickboxkarate went along to the Cimac Superleague Fight Night along with other members from SKF to support Luke May. Luke May was fighting in the kids open weight division and fought extremly well in category that had top fighters. There were top fighters from GB National team, the Greek National Team and Belgium National team competeing for £400 cash prize in the kids open weight.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

SKF / Kickboxkarate Brutal 31st October 2010

The first ever SKF / Kickboxkarate Brutal session took place on 31st October 2010. There will be no news report for this as the 1st rule of brutal is not to talk about brutal... the 2nd rule of brutal is not to talk about brutal...

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

Intensive Point Fight Training: Milan 22nd-25th October 2010

Intensive Point Fight Training is not just a workout, but a laboratory for growth and learning, whose level depends not only on the thickness of the people who lead the sessions but the interest, motivation and spirit of the participants.
This edition was truly international people from all over europe came to visit. I can unequivocally say that this have been  the  best training I have ever attended in my life, and I assure you that I had a lot  of training!!

Written and Attended by Sean McCarthy

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

2010 News

All news from the 1st January 2010 to the 17th of October 2010 can be found by clicking on the links below:

2010 Competition News Click Here

2010 Club News Click Here

All news from 2009 can be found by clicking on the links below:

2009 Competition News Click Here

2009 Club News Click Here

All news from 2008 can be found by clicking on the links below:

2008 News Click Here

All other news will now be posted to the Kickboxkarate News Blog.

Kickboxkarate News Blog Click Here

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web: