Monday 21 March 2011

Mole Valley Youth Showcase Awards 2011
Two members from Kickboxkarate were up for awards at the Mole Valley Youth Showcase Awards held at Dorking Halls on Friday 20th 2011.

 Kym Gamble- Nomination for Youth Professional Award
Kym was nominated to recognise the particular achievement of working with or supporting young people and youth achievement.

George Harris- Nomination for Youth Sporting Achievement Award
George was nominated for achieving a personal goal in sports and displaying particular talent in sports.

Unfortunately Kym and George did not win the awards but being nominated for both these awards is an achievement in its own right. Well done to you both for your hard work and contribution to the club. Without you both Kickboxkarate would not be what it is today.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

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