Monday 30 May 2011

SKF Inter-club results and pictures 29th May 2011

Kickboxkarate take 20 medals at the SKF Inter-club

Report by Jacey Cashman

The SKF Inter-club is an eagerly anticipated event on the club calendar for many students and this years event held on Sunday 29th May was no exception. The event was staged in Crawley at the K2 sports centre which hosted divisions for all ages of students and abilities with entries from all the branches of the club around the south-east.

At the end of the day feedback was very positive and included comments on a very well organised event, a very enjoyable day and such a high standard from both the children and adults especially from the beginner and intermediate grades. 

For some it was their first inter-club and a new experience, for others they were returning this year to try and win their way into the medals and trophies and for the few their chance  to retain previous years achievements. The Pee-wees junior fighting kicked things off with the children showing outstanding courage and a range of talent from children as young as 4 years old up to the cadet, teenage divisions. See list below for the awards & finalist for each division. The junior fighting followed with the traditional Karate divisions with displays of great focus, technical skill and courage coming up and performing individual patterns. Then the event moved to the fun and most enjoyable junior Tag-Team event which always goes down well and fun for the kids working as teams.

Before it was the adults turn to step on the tatami's there was a chance for everyone to sit back and spectate the SKF challenge fights. Unfortunately during the last stages of the build up to the event Asil Miralay (Bromley) due to fight Lee Mikrut (Crawley) "unfinished business" sustained a shoulder injury in training and in the best interest of both competitors the fight had to be postponed until a future event planned by the end of the year. However the Club team challenge did take place and put on a great show for everyone watching. Event hosts Crawley drew the short straw and had to first fight team Dorking with their club instructor Sean McCarthy having to step in place for the adult position in his team. Sean (who recently qualified for the GB team attending the World Championships later this year) put on a great display and showed the spectators the highest level of our sport and what a dynamic martial art it can be. However this wasn't enough for the team and Crawley won on wins and progressed to take on Bromley for the team title. The team fight went down to the last fight with Bromley taking the win in extra time, so big up to them but they need to watch their back as Crawley and Dorking are now after them for a rematch.

The event then progressed into the adult divisions and as mentioned previously it was noted afterwards by many the very high standard especially from the beginner and intermediate grades. It wouldn't be fair for the adults not to have the joys of a tag team battle so the day concluded on a high finishing with the adult tag team event. The final award for the competitor of the day was award to Rai Shafiq as chosen by majority (a close) vote by the officials. See below the competitors also nominated.

Some came and conquered, few came and retained titles from previous years, some went home empty handed but with a wealth of experience. And ultimately "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat"

Many thanks to all the volunteers, referees and helpers for whom without the event isn't possible. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you for all your support and making it a great, fun and enjoyable day.

Until next time..... May the force be with you - JC24


Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

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