Friday 28 October 2011

Training Day this Sunday!

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web: To join our mailing list put this web address in your browser: To unsubscribe to this message put this web address in your browser:

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Competition News

CIMAC Dorking Superleague 9th October 2011 Results:

Gold x 4 (Miles.B, Miles.G, Chloe, Gem)
Silver x 4 (Callum, Ellah, Tom, Dave)
Bronze x 2 (Daniel, Andy.M)

Jason, Miles.B, Daniel, Callum, Ronny, Daniel.S, Liam, Cameron.S, Lewis, Miles.G, Cameron.H, Ellah, Chloe, Lewis, Tom, Gem, Andy.M & Dave

Please forgive me if any of the results are wrong or there is anyone who I did not mention as we had between Kickboxkarate and SKF about 40 fighters in total who attended. Thank you to parents, coaches and supporters for your help backing our fighters on the day.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Italian Open results:
James Harris- Silver
George Harris- Silver

These 2 fighters have been committed to getting up and training at 6.30am completing between 9-10 hours of training a week. They got silver in Italy but both of them were not far off gold. If they keep putting the work in then they will go far in future years

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web: To join our mailing list put this web address in your browser: To unsubscribe to this message put this web address in your browser:

Kickboxkarate Important Dates

Important Dates
This is due the hall being unavailable to hire this week due a school activity. Sorry for the late notice I hope this is not too much of an inconvenience. If you wish to train at any other clubs please check both the Kickboxkarate Website or the SKF website You are welcome to attend any of the other classes we teach.

Saturday Sparing Class
The Saturday sparing class will be on this Saturday 15th October 2011. There will be no class on the 22nd October 2011. But we will then be back to normal on the 29th October 2011.

Bristol Open

Anyone wishing to attend the Bristol Open on the 16th October 2011 please contact Sean on- 07941 838 668.

Training Day

Training Day 30th October 2011
10.00am to 12.00pm
Dorking Sports Centre
Price: £10 pre booking / £15 on the day (Pre booking closes 28th October 2011)
Open to all abilities from beginner to advanced.
All the money raised from this event will go towards the £540 that Sean McCarthy must pay to enter the WAKO World Championships on the 20th November 2011. Thank you for support!

Grading Practice

Grading Practice 6th November 2011
10.00am to 1.00pm
Dorking Sports Centre
Price: £10 pre booking / £15 on the day
Pre booking closes 4th November 2011
Open to all abilities from beginner to advanced.

Grading Week
The grading will take place from the 7th to the 11th November at all Kickboxkarate venues. More information will be posted up on the Kickboxkarate website shortly.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web: To join our mailing list put this web address in your browser: To unsubscribe to this message put this web address in your browser:

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Cimac Dorking Superleague This Sunday

This Sunday 9th oct Dorking superleague we will be getting a big squad together to go and fight. There are divisions for beginners and advanced so even if you have never done a tournament before then there is a section for you. Also if you don't fight please come along and support those who are.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web: To join our mailing list put this web address in your browser: To unsubscribe to this message put this web address in your browser:

Monday 3 October 2011

News Update!


With a busy month in September here is an update as to what has been going on at the club!

Sponsored Fun Run

Thank you to all who came along to the Sponsored Fun Run and Camping on the 10th & 11th September it was a great day. All the money from the day went towards our own fighters who went out to compete in Belgium Open.

CIMAC Superleague Maidenhead

Well done to all who attended the Cimac Superleague on 18th September 2011.

George Harris
Chloe Tullett 1st Place
Gem Upfold 1st Place & 2nd Place
Laura Fitch
And other fighters from SKF who also placed within the medals...

Belgium Open 2011

6 fighters went out to compete at the WAKO Belgium Open on 24th September 2011. Thank you to all the members at the club who took part in the Fun Run and raised money for the fighters to compete.
Kelly Thaxter
James Harris
Gem Upfold 3rd Place
George Harris 3rd Place
Sean Mccarthy 3rd Place
Jacey Cashman

Level 1 Intensive Point Fight Training

Sean, James and George took part in Intensive Point Fight Training in Bristol on Saturday 1st October 2011 with World and European Champion Gregorio Di Leo. The purpose of the first level training is to acquire a technical, tactical,strategic and mental base of modern Point Fight. The content of the trainings are different each time so participants can take part as many times as they want learning each time different ‘intensive pointfight secrets', this way gaining a better perspective to the Intensive pointfight mentality.

You can see a video of last years training here:

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web: To join our mailing list put this web address in your browser: To unsubscribe to this message put this web address in your browser: