Tuesday 11 October 2011

Competition News

CIMAC Dorking Superleague 9th October 2011 Results:

Gold x 4 (Miles.B, Miles.G, Chloe, Gem)
Silver x 4 (Callum, Ellah, Tom, Dave)
Bronze x 2 (Daniel, Andy.M)

Jason, Miles.B, Daniel, Callum, Ronny, Daniel.S, Liam, Cameron.S, Lewis, Miles.G, Cameron.H, Ellah, Chloe, Lewis, Tom, Gem, Andy.M & Dave

Please forgive me if any of the results are wrong or there is anyone who I did not mention as we had between Kickboxkarate and SKF about 40 fighters in total who attended. Thank you to parents, coaches and supporters for your help backing our fighters on the day.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Italian Open results:
James Harris- Silver
George Harris- Silver

These 2 fighters have been committed to getting up and training at 6.30am completing between 9-10 hours of training a week. They got silver in Italy but both of them were not far off gold. If they keep putting the work in then they will go far in future years

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: kickboxkarate@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.kickboxkarate.com To join our mailing list put this web address in your browser: http://www.kickboxkarate.com/25.html To unsubscribe to this message put this web address in your browser: http://www.kickboxkarate.com/25.html

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