Monday 17 January 2011

Christmas Party & Awards Night

Kickboxkarate Blog
Christmas Party & Awards Night
For pictures from the night click on this link:

The kickboxkarate Christmas party & awards night was a great success. We had moved the date from Saturday 4th December to Saturday 15th January due to the severe snow that had fallen over the week.
Every year we award students for their efforts over the past year at the Christmas party. Here are the results:
Spirit Award 2010
Winner 2010: Chloe Tullett
Nominee 2010: Antony Smith, Harry Huggins, Sam gale, Kym Gamble, Elvis Fuller

Best New comer 2010 Adult
Winner 2010: Nadia Battoui and Keith Behan
Nominee 2010: Laura Hewitt, Dave Loughton, Andrew Heath, David Krill

Best New comer 2010 Kids
Winner 2010: Sidney Cowlin
Nominee 2010: Calum Knapp, Jason Phillips, Mohad Boutaib, Thomas Riley, Robbie Frewer

Fighter of the Year 2010
Winner 2010: Kelly Thaxter
Nominee 2010:Tom Mountley, Wojcheick Pulawski, Daniel Behan, Thomas Behan

Student of the Year Kids 2010
Winner 2010: Daniel Spahn
Nominee 2010: Lois Gamble, Junyun Wan, Casey M-Wilson, Abigail Copeland, Olliver Copeland, Courtney Danbury

Student of the Year Adults 2010
Winner 2010: James Harris
Nominee 2010: Richard Narain, Neil Gamble, Steve mcd,, Toby Wallace, Ella Krill

Special Award for dedication to the club
Richard Harris

Special Mention
Kickboxkarate would like to thank Steve Mcdonald, Richard and Sue Harris, Neil and Kym Gamble, Kelly Thaxter, Lorraine McCarthy, Andy Gale, Lisa Boardman and Laura Fitch. These people have made Kickboxkarate what is today.

After the awards took place we started the annual games competition. The kids started off the games with the highlights being chocolate eating with pads on and musical statues. The adults then started the cracker challenge which involves two teams in a race to eat dry crackers. Great games that provided an excellent atmosphere.
After that Kickboxkarate hit the dance floor right until we got kicked out.
Kickboxkarate would like to say thank you to the staff of the Courtyard Cafe & Bar for letting us use the venue for our end of year party and thank you for the great buffet.
Here are some pictures from the night to see the whole album click on the link at the top of this page.

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

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