Wednesday 26 January 2011

Kickboxkarate at Hell Day 2010

Kickboxkarate at Hell Day 2010
Instructors Sean McCarthy and Jacey Cashman took part in Hell Day 2010. Check out the video of our experience:

What is Hell Day The name says it all.
Many years ago Corey Cain (5x World Champion, World Taekwondo Champion and several times kickboxing champion) organised a training session for serious Martial Artists of a high standard who need something extra than your normal every day training session. He selected people who he considered were true Martial arts practitioners and who loved to fight or train hard. No politics, no hype, just pure, raw hard training ‘til you drop. He called it Hell Day and those that took up the challenge found out why he had named it so. Hell Day has been going since 1997 and it’s great to see the true warriors coming back every year and introducing new people to the unforgettable feeling. Once again it was that time to get together whether you practice Kickboxing, Tae-Kwon-do, Kung Fu of Sport Karate and assess what you are truly made of.

Why is there a need for HELL DAY?It’s simple. When you reach a high standard, you get stale and cannot create any ‘magic’ in your training unless you have somebody of a similar level or even higher level to stimulate you, both physically and mentally. Many of you teach students and cannot spar with them in the manner in which you would like to because your ability is too high for them, therefore you cannot excel. You cannot reach the point of mercy on your own without others of the same mindset around you supporting you.

It is a day of beasting for all those who like to challenge themselves and really find out what they are made of both physically and metally.

Feel free to comment on this Blog. What did you think of the video?

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

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