Friday 25 February 2011

Team Spirit

Team Spirit 

TEAM SPIRIT is open to all Kickboxkarate / SKF members regardless of grade or ability. The Team is aimed at those who wish to do competition. Please come along to experience coaching from some of the top fighters in the world. TEAM SPIRIT is a non-profit squad aimed to help students develop in competition all the funds received will go directly back into the fighters.

A message from Sean:
Hello all long time no speak. You all have my full apologies for nothing happening with Team Spirit recently. The reason for there being no squad training is that I have been busy with classes and other personal stuff. I have been working hard today organising the squad and trying to work out what is the best way to run things for the team and move us forward. We do face a problem in moving the team forward. The problem we face is that there are so many other things going on Sundays. There are tournaments, Squad Trainings and other events happening nearly every Sunday.

A 1 hour Sparing session held at my sparing class 12.15pm to 1.15pm at Dorking Sports Centre on the last Saturday of every month. This will be a free session there will be no charge. It would be a good way to meet up on a regular basis as a team and bond.

I will try and get a squad training in at least once every two months. The first date I could get this year was 22nd May and that was the closest date to February I could find where there is no other events taking place.

I am happy if a coach of team spirit can hold a squad training before the 22nd May without colliding with other events. Please contact me if you as a coach could hold a squad training.

Team Selection:
I will be working on a formal selection process for the team along with all the other coaches of Team Spirit. More news will be coming soon.

I look forward to seeing you all at 12.15pm for a 1 hour sparing session at Dorking Sports Centre on the 26th March!

Contact: Sean McCarthy Mobile: (07941) 838 668 Email: Web:

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